


舌尖上的礼仪——走进永恒宝贝幼儿园西餐与礼仪的课堂 Entering the Classroom of Western Food and Etiquette

来源:永恒宝贝幼儿园   时间:2019.06.04   浏览量:180


The first lesson of life is to learn about etiquette. The art of etiquette must be nurtured, studied, trained and trained over and over again to become a habit. Learning this is the duty and responsibility of every member of society. By learning and inheriting etiquette, one naturally becomes a member of a society and group. Once personal etiquette is cultivated, it will inevitably play an important role in social life.


     Western food is a foreign product and hence is different from our country's diet. It has a cultural connotation and is rich in nutrients. With the acceleration of urbanization, western food has entered our life. It pays attention to dining etiquette and the dining environment. An elegant environment makes people not only happy but it also lets them relax in the process of dining while enjoying its beauty. This is the charm of western food.



国际教育从西餐礼仪开始,为了让孩子们学习规范的西餐礼仪,永恒宝贝幼儿园邀请到拥有国际五星级酒店管理经验的Tarek Zagha来园为孩子们做西餐礼仪培训下面跟着永恒宝贝幼儿园的小朋友们一起走进Tarek Zagha的西餐课堂吧!

      An international education begins with the western food etiquette. In order to let children learn the standard western food etiquette, Just Kids Kindergarten invited Tarek Zagha, who has international five-star hotel management experience, to teach children about western food etiquette. Let’s follow the children of Just Kids Kindergarten into Tarek Zagha western food class.


      When taking a seat, you should keep your body straight, your elbows should not be placed on the table, and you should not cross your legs. Keeping some distance from the table is better to be able to conveniently use the tableware. Don't play around with the tableware that has been laid out on the dining table. The children are sitting down carefully, just like someone that is used to eating western food regularly.


就坐完毕,Tarek Zagha开始介绍餐具,以及餐具的正确摆放和使用。我们也一起来学习一下吧!首先,我们先看看叉子的摆放位置,你们都摆对了吗?

      After sitting down, Tarek Zagha introduced the tableware to us, as well as the correct placement and use of it. Let's learn this together! First, let's look at the position of the fork. Are you alright?




Next, let's take a look at how the tableware should be used.




I know, I know! This is a fork.





Guess: which hand is holding the knife?



“左手!”“右手!”“两只手都可以!”小朋友们的回答五花八门,十分积极!小朋友们,你们看看Tarek Zagha图片上的提示:是我们平时用来拿笔拿勺子,比较有力气的那只手哟!

       The left hand! The right hand! Both hands are possible! The children's answers were varied and positive! Boys and girls, take a look at Tarek’s picture, there is a tip: it's the stronger hand which we also use to hold pens and spoons!


       Here comes another question: what are we using to cut the beef?




Let me think....



We use the knife. Did you get that right?



When you eat soup, you should use a spoon. Don't slurp it or make noises when you eat. This is very impolite.



       Do we eat pasta with a fork or a spoon? Tarek showed us how to use a fork for pasta! With a fork, gently roll the pasta up and spoon it slowly into your mouth.

原来吃西餐要注意的方面还真是比较多呢!餐具也有特定的用途。小朋友们听着都有点糊涂了,不过没关系让Tarek Zagha再来帮帮我们。相信机灵的你们很快就能学会。

      When eating western food we should pay more attention to how we eat it. The tableware has its specific uses. The children are a little bit confused, let Tarek Zagha help us once again. We believe that you are smart and can learn quickly.







经过Tarek Zagha的讲解、示范,以及个别指导,孩子们基本知道了餐具的使用和餐桌礼仪。原来叉子是放在盘子左边,餐刀和勺子放在盘子右边。使用刀叉进餐时,从外侧往内侧取用刀叉,要左手持叉,右手持刀;切东西时左手拿叉按住食物,右手刀将其锯切成小块,然后用叉子送入口中。使用刀时,刀刃不可向外。进餐中放下刀叉时,应摆成“八”字型,分别放在餐盘边上。刀刃朝向自,表示还要继续吃。每吃完一道菜,将刀叉并拢放在盘中。如果是谈话,可以拿着刀叉,无需放下。不用刀时,也可以用右手持叉,但若需要作手势时,就应放下刀叉,千万不可手执刀叉在空中挥舞摇晃,也不要一手拿刀或叉,而另一支手拿餐巾擦嘴,任何时候,都不可将刀叉的一端放在盘上,另一端放在桌上。进餐时吃东西要文雅。每次送入口中的食物不宜过多,在咀嚼时不要说话也不可发出声音,更不可主动与人谈话。如汤、菜太热,可稍待凉后再吃,切勿用嘴吹。当将刀叉放在盘子上时就表示用餐结束。

      After Tarek Zagha explanation, demonstration and some individual guidance here and there, the children now know the basic use of tableware and the table manners. It turned out that the fork is placed on the left side of the plate and the knife and spoon are on the right side of the plate. When eating with a knife and fork, take the knife and fork which are on the outside first, slowly work your way to the inside. Hold the fork in your left hand and the knife into your right hand. When cutting food, hold the fork in your left hand and cut the food into small pieces with the knife in your right hand. Then use the knife to place the food onto the fork to eat it. When using a knife, the blade should never face outwards. When the knife and fork are laid down during the meal, they should be arranged in the shape of the Chinese character "eight" and be placed on the edge of the plate separately. The blade of the knife faces oneself, indicating that you will continue to eat. After each dish, put the knives and forks on the plate. If you are talking, you can hold the knife and fork without putting them down. When you don't use the knife, you can also use the right hand to hold the fork. In case you need to make gestures with your hands, then you should put down the knife and fork. Never wave or shake the knife and fork around in the air. The other hand is used to wipe the mouth with a napkin. At no time should one end of the knife or fork be placed on the plate and the other end on the table. Eat your meals gracefully. It is not appropriate to have too much food in your mouth, or to speak with a full mouth or to make a sound when chewing, and do not to talk too much. If the soup or other dishes are too hot, let them cool down a little first. Do not blow them with your mouth. When you place your knife and fork on the plate, this indicates that the meal is over.



      Children can't wait for us to start eating now.






Teacher, am I doing it right?



刚刚Tarek Zagha说过的每一句话我都记得!

Keep everything in mind that Tarek Zagha just taught us!



Hmmm, this steak looks very tough! How do I eat you?!




但是还是有一些宝贝还没有掌握技巧,没关系,Tarek Zagha来帮你!

But there are still some kids that haven't mastered the art just yet. That's ok. Tarek Zagha will come and help you!



Well, I'm a man! I can finish this dish on my own without any help!!


       The children enjoyed cutting their favorite steak on their own.



      The Just Kids Kindergarten western food etiquette class was hosted in the big hall, in an elegant environment, with elegant etiquette, with elegantly dressed children. We will practise this etiquette daily, as this will have an affect throughout the children’s life.

最后,非常感谢Tarek Zagha给我们细致的讲解了餐桌礼仪,谢谢厨房的叔叔阿姨们为我们准备了美味的食物,也谢谢给我们布置了优雅环境的老师们!

       Finally, I would like to thank Tarek Zagha for giving us such a detailed explanation of western table manners. I would also like to thank the kitchen staff for preparing delicious food for us, and the teachers for setting up an elegant environment for us. Thank you!





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